Claire Pentecost

artist and writer


A selection of sources:

5 Questions for Contemporary Practice with Claire Pentecost, Art 21, 2012

Food Keynote, Creative Time Summit, Revolutions in Public Practice,  2010

Claire Pentecost: “Interior Studies”, New York Times, December 2, 2010

Interview, Bad at Sports: Episode 34, 2006

3 Responses to “about”

  1. Philip Scott

    Hey Claire. Philip here. I seem to have lost several contacts, including yours.

    I found something in a book of mine that you might be interested in seeing. Send me your email and I’ll get it out to you.

    All’s pretty well here. I’m still working because I enjoy most of what I do and because I’m trying to forestall irrelevance. But my brain is not the nimble organ it once was. I have to take notes everywhere. If I don’t write it down or take a photo, it may not have happened at all. Normal, says my 38 year old doctor.

    I may be in Chicago for a few days in early June. If you are around it would be great to meet up.




    Dear Artist, Claire Pentecost,
    we are pleased to inform you that our Curatorial Board had the opportunity to appreciate your artistic work through your website and social media. Should you be interested in exhibiting your artworks on the occasion of the XIV Florence Biennale (14-22 October 2023), please submit your application in order to receive the participation documents (including conditions, costs and services):

    The Florence Biennale is the major contemporary art and design exhibition in Florence and one of the world’s leading contemporary art exhibitions. More than 450 artists and designers from 71 countries participated in the latest edition (XIII Florence Biennale), which has been held from 23 to 31 October 2021 under the patronage of the European Parliament, Italian Commission for UNESCO, Italian Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Tuscany Region, and Municipality of Florence, and was attended by more than 10,000 visitors. Please find hereafter a link to watch a video about the XIII edition:

    The XIV Florence Biennale, which will take place at the Fortezza da Basso (Florence, Italy), from 14 to 22 October 2023, will engage participating artists and visitors in a rich programme of artistic and cultural activities. Aside from the main exhibition, there will be collateral events, performances, workshops, conferences, and lectures relating to the theme of the new edition: “I Am You. Individual and Collective Identities in Contemporary Art and Design”.
    Please be informed that each participating artist will have a dedicated page on the official catalogue of the XIV Florence Biennale and will compete, during the exhibition days, for the “Lorenzo il Magnifico” Awards, conferred by our International Jury to the best works on show (in each category), as well as for other special awards.

    Moreover, within the framework of the Florence Biennale, the “Lorenzo il Magnifico Lifetime Achievement Awards” (Art) and the “Leonardo da Vinci Lifetime Achievement Awards” (Design) are conferred to individuals who have reached pinnacles of artistic achievement for their contribution to culture: Marina Abramović, Gustavo Aceves, Refik Anadol, Sauro Cavallini, Christo & Jeanne-Claude, David Hockney, El Anatsui, Arata Isozaki, Salvatore & Wanda Ferragamo, Ferrari & Pininfarina, Gilbert & George, Anish Kapoor, Elsa Peretti (Tiffany & Co.), Michelangelo Pistoletto, Paula Scher, Oliviero Toscani, Vivienne Westwood, and Franco Zeffirelli are among the recipients of the past editions. The Lifetime Achievement Awards recipients are invited as guests of honour to the biennial, during which they meet the participating artists and receive the award in a public ceremony.

    The first announced winner of “Lorenzo il Magnifico” Lifetime Achievement Award of the XIV Florence Biennale 2023 is world-renowned American photographer and filmmaker David LaChapelle, who will attend personally the event, to receive the Award, give a speech, and exhibit a series of works created between 2009 and 2023.

    More information and news about the Florence Biennale can be found on our official website, For any further details and assistance you should need, please do not hesitate to contact us by email.

    We look forward to welcoming you to our city and sharing with you the Florence Biennale experience.

    Kind regards

    Pasquale Celona – President

  3. Pantea Karimi

    I really enjoyed your presentation at LASER Talk today. Your projects are also very thought provoking and aesthetically beautiful.
    I research history of medicinal botany, and my works mainly is focused on botanicals, their visuals and healing properties… I am based in the SF Bay Area.


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